Friday, December 25, 2009

The Flying Trapeze


Background Information

Ever dreamt of becoming just like the acrobats you saw in circuses? Well, now you could make your wish come true! The Flying Trapeze is a unique attraction in Singapore which aims to provide people from all walks of life, especially the thrill seekers, with a chance to have an enjoyable time. It is also a sport which helps in conquering the fear of height. With the instructors help, you will be able to do tricks and flips in no time.


The Flying Trapeze

Personal Experience

From a thrill seeker point of view, I found the overall experience to be near perfect. After buying tickets, the instructors helped me with my safety harnesses and gave me a brief introduction and proper guidelines on the sport I was about to undertake. As they were speaking, there were also other instructors demonstrating the stunts I was going to do. Out of a sudden, I felt a sudden urge to back out. It was only then that I realised the activity was way too high and risky for me. The urge became stronger when I started climbing up to the platform where I was supposed to take my swing. Luckily, the instructor sensed my nervousness and told me that I would be alright. All I had to do was to relax and not look downwards. He reminded me that I was there for the experience and should not even think of giving up. Thereafter, I took my first swing. I did not manage to accomplish the simple stunt I was given. It was to hang upside down on the bar using my legs. Soon, I rushed back up for my second try. Finally, after my fourth attempt, I managed to accomplish the stunt. I felt as if I had accomplished a lifelong dream. I was feeling very ecstatic. All in all, I did not give in to my worries and managed to nail down a stunt. I left as a satisfied thrill seeker.

In my opinion, people whom are always constantly seeking for new thrills should definitely not give this a miss. You will feel complete satisfaction when you personally accomplish the stunt assigned to you. No amount of words can fully describe the wonderful experience. So, come on down to The Flying Trapeze at Sentosa for a swing!


For more information on the exact location, opening hours, closing hours and pricings, please check the link given below:


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