Saturday, December 19, 2009

Singapore Night Safari

Background Info

The night safari is an adventure where visitors get to watch the nightlife of animals. Nocturnal animals would come out of their hideout.It would be a superb experience for those animal lovers and also for those who do not have a lot of knowledge about the wildlife and wish to get to know more. It would certainly be a adventure of a lifetime.

It is the world's first night safari and set in 40 hectares of forest, under restrained lighting with around 1000 animals from 120 species, it would be a stunning and admirable view. Along with the beauty of the nature at night and the nightlife of the animals, you would get a real feel of
nature at night.

My Experience

Although it would seem like not a stunning adventure for a visit to the night safari, words would not be able to describe the adventure you would encounter there. The lighting there were just perfect enough to see and experience the nightlife of the animals and nature itself.

Before entering the tram for a ride around the area, i thought it would be a boring ride as i thought there was nothing more than the animals itself. The ride across the area would be slow yet not boring as there would be enough time to see and enjoy every minute of the nightlife. You would easily notice the various types of animals and species and also the the beauty of the nature at night. If you think that there is no difference between the sight of the zoo in the morning and the night safari, you are wrong as there is a big difference between them.

During the ride i started to enjoy and appreciate the trip as it was beautiful seeing the animals in action during the night especially not in cages but in their natural habitat of the forest. That itself would be a big difference between the zoo and the night safari. I did get to touch a deer while on the tram and enjoyed it.It was very exciting to be able to touch the wildlife and experience travelling among them as it would be quite difficult to observe or touch any wildlife in a modern city of Singapore.

It would also be an educational trip and during the tram ride there would be someone who would explain to us about the species and by this we would be able to see and know the endangered species. I did get to learn the various endangered species around and how if we do not care for them, they would soon be extinct.There will also be awesome shows featuring the animals which kept me quite entertained. If you were hungry or tired, there are also benches and canteens open where u could dine or take a rest for some time before going out to enjoy again.


For information on the location, opening hours, ticket prices and contact information, you can visit their main website at


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