Friday, November 13, 2009

SPI (Singapore Paranormal Investigators) - Investigate, Experience, and Understand the Paranormal

Background Information - SPI, who are they?

SPI are a group of paranormal investigators in Singapore. Their mission is to obtain data through the means of paranormal experiments so as to better understand the paranormal phenomena. They hope to use their research to come up with as many theories as possible to explain the paranormal and also to use advanced techniques in order to collect the data they require. SPI also aims to provide accurate information so as to help not just themselves, but also people who have experienced paranormal or who are disturbed by it, as well as those who seek personal development in the paranormal scope. The public is also welcomed to discuss, share, and generate ideas to assist the SPI in their exploration of paranormal activity.

Therefore, tourists who seek paranormal aid or understanding will also be welcome to join the SPI in order to do so. The SPI is well established and have conducted many experiments to understand the paranormal and are, therefore, experienced in the scope of paranormal activity. The SPI do host events for the public on random dates. Such events range from performances, seminars and talks to extremely spooky spook walks!

My experiences
1. Third Eye Parapsychology Seminar
(Speech by Mr. Seoras McPherson)
2. Fort Canning Spook Walk

The SPI hosted the above two events and I felt that the events were exciting and really spooky! At the same time, I was also able to understand more about the paranormal as well!

A photograph of Mr Seoras McPherson:

During the third eye parapsychology seminar, Mr Seoras focused his speech on paranormal activity and on second sight (ESP; Extrasensory Perception) and how some people whom he had encountered before possessed this ability, and actually made use of them to try to change the course of the future. These talks can easily be of great interest to a person interested in the paranormal and tourists who have such scope of interest should visit Singapore to participate in such talks hosted by the SPI.

The spook walk was also a thrill for me, and I am sure, will be for tourists interested in the paranormal as well. The SPI team also taught me a couple of tips useful when going for spook walks. Time, according to them, is the main priority when going for the spook walk. Paranormal activity will usually only start to emerge after 12 midnight. For a person to experience paranormal activity during the walk, there is also a need to stay in a small group or individually if possible. This is because paranormal activity will not reveal itself to a large group of people. There is also a need to bring amulets or protective talismans to protect oneself from paranormal attacks or disturbance. I brought a rosary especially for the spook walk to protect myself as I am of the Catholic faith.

The first location we went to in Fort Canning Park was the tomb of Keramat Sultan Iskandar Shah, who was one of the last five kings who ruled Singapore back in the 14th century. There was a caretaker standing guard the tomb and taking care of it. He himself, claimed to have seen the spirit or manifestation of the Sultan and even a cobra at the tomb. He also stated that, when the spirit of the Sultan arrives, there will be a cool breeze coming from the South, and that the incense will get blown off. I have also experienced something unusual while standing near this particular tomb. The wind around the area was stronger and colder than usual. The leaves of the trees also rustled in the air. That was the spooky part of the spook walk and I was kept on my toes all the while throughout the walk! These events hosted by SPI are not be missed as they are full of surprises and paranormal experiences!

Here is a picture of the graves of the soldiers who fought bravely in battle and died for Singapore.....

So what are you waiting for? Pay the SPI investigators a visit at their online website and also register in order to participate in some really thrilling activities!

Most of the SPI events and activities require membership. Therefore, it is essential to become an SPI member first as a pre-requisite to participating in such events and activities. To do so, visit this link:

To find out more about SPI and their events and activities, visit this link:

Done by Kenneth


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