Friday, December 25, 2009

The Flying Trapeze


Background Information

Ever dreamt of becoming just like the acrobats you saw in circuses? Well, now you could make your wish come true! The Flying Trapeze is a unique attraction in Singapore which aims to provide people from all walks of life, especially the thrill seekers, with a chance to have an enjoyable time. It is also a sport which helps in conquering the fear of height. With the instructors help, you will be able to do tricks and flips in no time.


The Flying Trapeze

Personal Experience

From a thrill seeker point of view, I found the overall experience to be near perfect. After buying tickets, the instructors helped me with my safety harnesses and gave me a brief introduction and proper guidelines on the sport I was about to undertake. As they were speaking, there were also other instructors demonstrating the stunts I was going to do. Out of a sudden, I felt a sudden urge to back out. It was only then that I realised the activity was way too high and risky for me. The urge became stronger when I started climbing up to the platform where I was supposed to take my swing. Luckily, the instructor sensed my nervousness and told me that I would be alright. All I had to do was to relax and not look downwards. He reminded me that I was there for the experience and should not even think of giving up. Thereafter, I took my first swing. I did not manage to accomplish the simple stunt I was given. It was to hang upside down on the bar using my legs. Soon, I rushed back up for my second try. Finally, after my fourth attempt, I managed to accomplish the stunt. I felt as if I had accomplished a lifelong dream. I was feeling very ecstatic. All in all, I did not give in to my worries and managed to nail down a stunt. I left as a satisfied thrill seeker.

In my opinion, people whom are always constantly seeking for new thrills should definitely not give this a miss. You will feel complete satisfaction when you personally accomplish the stunt assigned to you. No amount of words can fully describe the wonderful experience. So, come on down to The Flying Trapeze at Sentosa for a swing!


For more information on the exact location, opening hours, closing hours and pricings, please check the link given below:

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Reverse Bungee @ Clarke Quay

Ever wanted to feel the exhilaration of being up high?

Ever wanted to have an overview of the historic Singapore River?


The Reverse Bungy located just by the Singapore River at Clarke Quay.

Here is a chance to experience it here in Singapore!

I present to you, the G-Max Reverse Bungee.

It will take you up to 60 metres in the air and speeds up to 200 km per hour in just TWO SECONDS.

My Experience

I went with a group of friends to try out the G-Max reverse bungee on a Saturday night.

At first I was hesitant about trying it out, however, after the staff there assured us that they have 100% safety record, I felt assured and decided to give it a go.

The tickets for a single ride is priced at $45, as I am a student, I am able to buy the ticket at $30.

If you want them to record your ride, you are also able to do it at $15, it is worth the money as you can record down the ride and take a look at yourself while your 60 metres up in the air.

It was crowded on that day as it was a Saturday and there were plenty of eager souls to try out the exciting ride.

After waiting for a good ten minutes, it was finally me and my friends’ turn.

The ride only allows three people to go at one time.

While the staff at G-Max were busy ensuring that everything is in place for a safe ride, me and my friends were talking about how nervous we are.

Once the staff was done tightening our safety belts and everything else, they left the platform and prepared for the launch.

We all were anxious yet excited as we held on tight to each other

The staff informed us that we were ready to go and to leaned our heads back.

So the countdown began, 3,2,1.

And we were off.

Everything was a blur.

You can feel air gushing into your lungs as you are being propelled 60 metres into the air.

We all screamed at the top of our lungs as we reached the peak, partly due to fear and also the thrill.

Before we know it, we were reaching the platform, and then with another push, we were flying again.

This time, we did not scream as much as the first time and we were taking in the overview of the Singapore River and the beautiful nightlife of Clarke Quay.

The cool night wind blew against our face as we finally descended from the thrilling ride which lasted a few minutes.

We were glad to be on the ground again, it was a breathtaking experience for all of us.


The Reverse Bungy in the day


The Reverse Bungy at night


The G-MAX Reverse Bungy Site and the GX-5 Xtreme Swing are situated at Clarke Quay,

along side the Singapore River, next to the Coleman Bridge.

Clarke Quay MRT is just across the river;

exit the MRT by the Eu Tong Sen Street exit

and turn left to cross the Coleman Bridge.

More Information

Visit G-Max websites for more details!

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Singapore Night Safari

Background Info

The night safari is an adventure where visitors get to watch the nightlife of animals. Nocturnal animals would come out of their hideout.It would be a superb experience for those animal lovers and also for those who do not have a lot of knowledge about the wildlife and wish to get to know more. It would certainly be a adventure of a lifetime.

It is the world's first night safari and set in 40 hectares of forest, under restrained lighting with around 1000 animals from 120 species, it would be a stunning and admirable view. Along with the beauty of the nature at night and the nightlife of the animals, you would get a real feel of
nature at night.

My Experience

Although it would seem like not a stunning adventure for a visit to the night safari, words would not be able to describe the adventure you would encounter there. The lighting there were just perfect enough to see and experience the nightlife of the animals and nature itself.

Before entering the tram for a ride around the area, i thought it would be a boring ride as i thought there was nothing more than the animals itself. The ride across the area would be slow yet not boring as there would be enough time to see and enjoy every minute of the nightlife. You would easily notice the various types of animals and species and also the the beauty of the nature at night. If you think that there is no difference between the sight of the zoo in the morning and the night safari, you are wrong as there is a big difference between them.

During the ride i started to enjoy and appreciate the trip as it was beautiful seeing the animals in action during the night especially not in cages but in their natural habitat of the forest. That itself would be a big difference between the zoo and the night safari. I did get to touch a deer while on the tram and enjoyed it.It was very exciting to be able to touch the wildlife and experience travelling among them as it would be quite difficult to observe or touch any wildlife in a modern city of Singapore.

It would also be an educational trip and during the tram ride there would be someone who would explain to us about the species and by this we would be able to see and know the endangered species. I did get to learn the various endangered species around and how if we do not care for them, they would soon be extinct.There will also be awesome shows featuring the animals which kept me quite entertained. If you were hungry or tired, there are also benches and canteens open where u could dine or take a rest for some time before going out to enjoy again.


For information on the location, opening hours, ticket prices and contact information, you can visit their main website at